Your Voice. Amplified
Shape the future of Burlington with easy, fast, and meaningful input.
DemocracyOS is a Burlington-born platform that empowers you to influence local issues. Each month, receive up to three quick miniballots via text. Share your thoughts in minutes. We deliver your insights directly to local leaders.
Why democracyOS?
Because your voice matters.
Today, many feel disconnected from government. Leaders seem distant. Participation feels pointless. Good ideas and important insights get lost.
The Challenges
Leaders want to serve their communities well, but traditional methods fall short:
Few Voices Are
Same voices, over and over. Many are left out, especially underserved communities.
It's Hard To Make Sense of It All
Leaders drown in conflicting messages. True community sentiment is lost.
Reaching Everyone Is Unsustainable
Connecting with all is costly and time-consuming. One-off events create communication gaps.
DemocracyOS bridges this gap—making participation accessible, meaningful, and sustainable for everyone.

How It Works:
Register to engage.
Share your input.
Shape your community.
We uphold PrivacyShield. Your personal data is fully protected. Never shared. Not for marketing. Not even with the government. Reports are anonymized by default. You have complete control over your data. Privacy and trust are at our core.
We revolutionize public input, addressing the flaws of surveys and public meetings.
DemocracyOS is founded by Burlingtonian Jesse Warren. Previously he ran the democracy-innovation nonprofit Democracy Creative, based in the Soda Plant on Pine Street. DemocracyOS has grown out of that nonprofit research and work.
He can be reached at or at 802-540-5050.